PhyScore®: The Physician Evaluation Solution

Announcing an all new approach to physician management

This Unique Service is Perfect for:

Physicians Groups
Practice Management / Leadership
Risk Management / Evaluation
Insurance Professionals 

These Firms Will Be Able to:

Measure team member performance
Give leadership ability to impartially evaluate 
Leadership may use to:

  • Compare physicians
  • Teach and refine processes
  • Implement additional training
  • Improve internal information channels

Contact us for more information.

Read the white paper by Paul Orcutt MD FACEP here

Powerful developments in your evaluation process

Physician Quantification Performance Scoring Index called PhyScore® now in beta.

PhyScore® is unique to medicine, and through a series of complex algorithms developed and refined over two decades, this tool will provide computerized scoring of every patient seen in the ED department.

The scoring will include multiple sub-scores including Critical Thinking, Physician Intervention, Facility Usage, Outcomes Data and Overall Performance scoring. It will be as specific as to post a total of the ED facility and physician costs on every patient and comparison scores in all six areas with the members of your group as well as comparisons to other groups in your region.